The daily progress of the student is assessed by the teachers by means of oral tests and assignments. It is also tested by means of unit tests and terminal examinations at regular intervals during the year as indicated in the institutional plan.
Corrected answer scripts of all the subjects are also distributed to the children each time. Parents are requested to go through, sign them and return the same.
With a view to develop the whole personality of a pupil, the CBSE has introduced the CCE. According to this there will be a semester system of schooling, the first from April to September and the second from October to March. The syllabus for each semester is separate and independent of the other. The exam pattern is as follows.
Each Formative Assessment consists of (a) Unit Test (b) Assignment and (c) Activities (Project Works), Quiz, Group Activity, Oral test etc.)
The marking pattern is as follows.
Periodic Assessment | Assignment | Activity I | Activity II | Total |
40 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 100 |
The total is then brought down to 10%
The Summative Assessment is conducted for 60 marks at the end of the term for Classes I to VIII and 90 marks for Classes IX & XII.
At the end of the first term FA1+FA2+SA1 is totaled (10% + 10% + 30%)
At the end of the second term FA3+FA4+SA2 is totaled (10% + 10% + 30%)
The grade at the end of the year is calculated in the following pattern.
FA1 + FA2 +SA1 + FA3 +FA4 + SA2 (10% + 10% + 30% + 10% + 10% + 30%) = 100%
As per the Board’s recommendation, instead of marks, a new 9 point grading system is to be followed for the Classes VI to XII. In this system, a student’s performance is assessed using the numerical marking mode, after which the same is converted into grades.
Marks Range | Grade | Grade point |
91-100 | A1 | 10.0 |
81-90 | A2 | 9.0 |
71-80 | B1 | 8.0 |
61-70 | B2 | 7.0 |
51-60 | C1 | 6.0 |
41-50 | C2 | 5.0 |
33-40 | D | 4.0 |
21-32 | E1 | – |
20 and Below | E2 | – |
Students who secure E1 and E2 grades will have to appear for a re-exam and improve their grades to sit for the next class.